Dermatology Clinic

At our specialist Dermatology Clinic we can treat a wide range of conditions

With PhDs our team is well-placed to treat hair and scalp conditions that will have evaded most practitioners.

Scalp conditions and hair loss can have a considerable impact on our day-today lives, which is why we undertake a thorough examination to understand your concerns.

Acne is a very common skin condition caused by over active sebaceous glands producing oils that often get trapped within skin. This gets colonized by skin bacteria causing an inflammation.

There are different types of acne and different categories of severity. At Santi we are well-placed to deal with the different types of acne using gentle treatment solutions or medical options 

A chronic inflammatory skin condition most often characterised by facial flushing. And depending on the severity the condition can resemble acne with erythem, papules and pustules

A chronic inflammatory skin condition most often characterised by facial flushing. And depending on the severity the condition can resemble acne with erythem, papules and pustules 


Vitiligo is a depigmenting condition of the skin, where patients develop well-defined milky white patches of skin. It affects 0.5 – 1% of the population, and can affect all races though is often more prominent in patients with darker skin types READ MORE

Melasma is patches of brown pigmentation, usually in the face. It is more common in women, though men can also be affected. It is also more common in darker skin types. Melasma is usually more prominent in the summer months and fades in winte

Everyone develops some moles especially during childhood and adolescence. There are several different types of moles. During youth, more moles begin to appear, and existing ones darken. Nevus cells will eventually be replaced with a fibrous tissue. Moles typically change consistency, becoming softer or firmer and less pigmented over the years.

An individual mole is unlikely to become malignant. However, patients with large numbers of benign moles (greater than 50) have an increased risk of developing melanoma.