Metabolic Syndrome

Western society is experiencing a tidal wave of chronic illness. Heart disease, cancer, autoimmune disease, diabetes and obesity are all growing at an alarming rate, as are chronic concerns such as joint pains, migraines and female hormone complaints.
To a great extent, these are lifestyle mediated illnesses, and it stands to reason that they require focused lifestyle interventions to address them. One particular segment of this chronic illness wave, is a continuum of abnormal biology that ranges from mild insulin resistance to full blown type 2 diabetes. The entire spectrum of this pathway includes elevated blood sugar, blood pressure, triglycerides and/or cholesterol. These are now so common as to almost be accepted as ‘normal’, and many people are taking drugs to suppress these symptoms. However, these symptoms are downstream problems that stem from problems with diet, lifestyle and environment, combined with our unique genetic makeup and susceptibilities. And the reason these dietary and lifestyle factors lead to problems is because they create a condition known as insulin resistance. Contrary to what most people think, type 2 diabetes is a disease of too much, not too little, insulin. Insulin is the real driver of these symptoms, and many more besides.
When your diet has too many empty calories and an abundance of quickly absorbed sugars, liquid calories and carbohydrates (like bread, pasta, rice and potatoes), your cells slowly become resistant to the effects of insulin and need more and more to do the same job of keeping your blood sugar even. Thus, you develop insulin resistance. A high insulin level is the first sign of a problem.
The higher your insulin levels are, the worse your insulin resistance. Your body starts to age and deteriorate. In fact, insulin resistance is the single most important phenomenon that leads to rapid and premature aging and all its resultant diseases, including heart disease, stroke, dementia, and cancer. As your insulin levels increase it leads to increased appetite and food cravings, increasing weight gain around the belly, more inflammation and stress on the body, and a myriad downstream effects including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, low HDL, high triglycerides, weight gain around the middle, thickening of the blood, and increased risk of cancer, Alzheimer’s, and depression. These are all a result of insulin resistance and too much insulin. Elevated blood sugar is not the source of the problem. Most people just need to eliminate the things that are sending their biology out of balance and include what’s needed to help the body re-balance itself. For most, the interventions required are extremely effective
Beyond a ‘diet’ the healthy transformation plan is a new way of living and eating. Instead of being restrictive, it is expansive – with a broad range of delicious foods so you don’t feel limited or deprived. The healthy transformation plan includes personalised menu plans, nutritional supplementation and physical activity, stress transformation and supported behavioural change.
For more information, please contact us on 020 7584 7000.