Delicious Autumn

Golden leaves start to tapestry the roads, conkers bobble in the parks. It is time to harvest the autumn rainbow of golden apples, yellow pears, brown chestnuts , orange butternut squash and carrots , and the Queen of October the pumpkin! It is the season to prepare for the cold winter months to boost your immune system to face the temperature drop . Here’s what we do at Santi Health in South Kensington.

Who are the winners? Which magic yet powerful nutrients help maintain our immune system in fighting form?First, we can’t have a healthy immune system unless we have a healthy digestive system. This is the basis of good heath. And we’ll come back to this fundamental repeatedely.Prebiotics and probiotics (Acidophillus and S.Boulaardi) are essential for good gut health. They maintain a good microorganism balance and protect the gut immune system ( GALT).

Beta–glucans from medicinal mushrooms such as maitake, shiitake and cordiceps stimulate and help to build a stronger immune system. And let’s not forget about our old friend garlic —we know what you’re thinking—–get your partner involved! And failing that the odour is actually diminished with parsley!

Another good essential herbal support is the ecchinacea. Also all the vitamin C rich fruits such as pineapple, papaya, and citrus fruits help strengthen the immune system.

And don’t forget vitamin A rich vegetables such as carrots, butternut squash, pumpkin which are all in season now. Sprinkle turmeric for a autumnal colour.

And to really toughen up our immune system zinc (avocados) and selenium (brazil nuts, flax and chia seeds) will get you there.