Foam Rolling and Sports Massages

Foam Rolling: What’s All the Fuss About?

In almost every commercial gym, you will now find a selection of foam rollers to use in your workouts. While these tools have been used for years in professional sports, their introduction into the amateur fitness world has been fairly recent, with the use of foam rollers becoming more and more apparent.

If you haven’t yet incorporated foam rolling into your fitness regime or are unsure of its benefits, you’re not alone. Keep reading for an overview of just how beneficial this simple piece of equipment can be.

The Importance of Foam Rolling

It is well known that stretching, proper warm-ups, and cool-downs are crucial for keeping our muscles healthy, strong, and flexible. It’s integral to our physio and sports massage treatment protocols at Santi to advise clients to use foam rollers as part of their ongoing rehabilitation.

Foam rollers are lightweight, cylindrical objects made of dense foam, used to relieve tension in sore muscles and aid in muscle recovery. They can be purchased from most sports shops and online retailers like Amazon.

Regular use of foam rollers can provide benefits similar to a robust Santi sports massage, though on a smaller scale. They help reduce inflammation and scar tissue while improving circulation, mobility, and flexibility. By integrating foam rolling into your routine, you’ll prepare your muscles for activity and aid recovery post-workout.

What is Foam Rolling?

Foam rolling is a form of myofascial release. Fascia or myofascial is the tissue covering the muscles and bones in the body. When healthy, this tissue is relaxed and flexible. However, if damaged due to overtraining, stress, or poor posture, fascia can become tight and inflamed, leading to several problems, including recurring injuries and headaches.

Key Benefits of Foam Rolling

Improved Joint Range of Motion and Flexibility: Foam rolling before activity can increase flexibility and range of motion by breaking down tension in the fascia surrounding bones and joints.

Increased Circulation: Foam rolling helps break up tight areas where blood flow is restricted, improving circulation which is vital for performance and recovery.

Stress Reduction: Foam rolling has been shown to reduce stress levels by lowering cortisol, the stress hormone, and calming the nervous system.

Reducing DOMS: Foam rolling can reduce the pain and stiffness associated with delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS), improving recovery after exercise.

Injury Prevention: By preparing your muscles properly before activity, foam rolling reduces the chance of muscle tears and ligament sprains.

Injury Rehabilitation and Scar Tissue Breakdown: Foam rolling helps ease the pain of scar tissue and assists in its transformation into a more efficient structure.

Recovery and Waste Product Removal: Foam rolling helps break down lactic acid and carbon dioxide in muscles post-exercise, speeding up recovery and reducing pain.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Rolling Directly Where You Feel Pain: Painful areas may not be the source of your pain. Often, pain results from imbalances and tension elsewhere. Focus on surrounding muscles.

Rolling Too Fast: Rolling too quickly negates the benefits. Slow, deliberate movements help break down adhesions and improve muscle flexibility.

Spending Too Much Time on “Knots”: Sustained pressure on one point can damage tissues or nerves. Spend no more than 20 seconds on a tender spot before moving on.

Foam Rolling Your Lower Back: Avoid rolling directly on your lower back as it lacks large structures to protect the spine. Instead, target the glutes, hip flexors, and quads.

Incorrect Posture: Poor posture during foam rolling can do more harm than good. Ensure proper form to effectively relieve muscle tension.

How to Foam Roll

Start slowly and gradually increase intensity. Incorporate foam rolling before or after your workout a few times a week. Even if you don’t work out, foam rolling can relieve tension from everyday activities.

Technique: Apply moderate pressure to the muscle with the roller and your body weight. Roll slowly, pausing for several seconds on tight or painful areas. Gradually increase the pressure as your muscles adjust.



Foam rolling offers numerous benefits for performance, recovery, and everyday life. By incorporating foam rolling into your routine, you can improve flexibility, circulation, and muscle health. If you have any questions about foam rolling, feel free to reach out to us at Santi, or visit us for personalized advice from our expert therapists!