How Your Partner Can Change Your Skin’s Microbiome and Hydration

When we think about how relationships affect us, we often focus on emotional, mental, or even physical health. But did you know that your partner can also impact your skin? Specifically, close contact with someone can alter your skin microbiome, potentially influencing skin hydration and overall skin health.


In this blog, we’ll explore the science behind how intimate relationships can change the delicate balance of your skin’s microbiome and why this matters for hydration and skin care.

man and woman in bed


What is the Skin Microbiome?

Your skin microbiome is an ecosystem of trillions of microorganisms—including bacteria, fungi, and viruses—that live on the surface of your skin. While the idea of having these tiny creatures on your skin may seem alarming, they actually play a crucial role in maintaining skin health. A balanced microbiome helps protect your skin from harmful pathogens, supports immune function, and maintains the skin’s barrier to lock in moisture.

How Close Contact Affects Your Skin

When you’re in a relationship, especially if you’re sharing physical space with someone regularly, your skin comes into frequent contact with your partner’s skin, transferring microorganisms back and forth. This means that both you and your partner are essentially “exchanging” parts of your microbiomes every time you touch.

Over time, this close contact can shift the balance of your own skin’s microbial community. While these changes are not necessarily harmful, they can alter how your skin behaves, especially when it comes to hydration and sensitivity. The skin’s barrier function—essential for locking in moisture—can be influenced by the diversity and composition of your microbiome, which, in turn, may change as your skin adapts to your partner’s microbial mix.

Skin Hydration and the Microbiome

The skin’s microbiome is a key player in maintaining hydration. A balanced microbiome supports a healthy skin barrier, which retains moisture and keeps the skin hydrated. However, an imbalance—sometimes caused by the introduction of new microorganisms through close contact—can weaken this barrier, leading to dry skin, irritation, or even breakouts.

Here’s how it works:


    • Healthy Microbiome = Hydrated Skin: When your microbiome is balanced and diverse, it creates a natural protective layer on the skin. This barrier helps to retain moisture, keeping your skin plump, smooth, and hydrated.

    • Disrupted Microbiome = Dry Skin: If your microbiome becomes unbalanced, such as through the introduction of new microbes from a partner or environmental stressors, the skin barrier can become compromised. This can make it harder for your skin to hold onto moisture, leading to dehydration and irritation.

How to Keep Your Skin Hydrated While Embracing Change

Having a partner doesn’t mean you should worry about your skin’s microbiome. In fact, the diversity brought about by close contact can be beneficial for your skin’s health in the long run. However, it’s important to support your skin’s barrier function and hydration with the right skincare routine. Here’s how:


    • Use a Hydrating Moisturizer: Ensure you’re using a moisturizer that strengthens the skin’s barrier while locking in moisture. Look for products with ingredients like hyaluronic acid, ceramides, or glycerin.

    • Don’t Overwash: Overwashing or using harsh cleansers can strip the skin of its natural oils and disrupt the microbiome. Opt for gentle, pH-balanced cleansers to maintain your skin’s natural defenses.

    • Introduce Probiotic Skincare: Probiotics can help rebalance and protect the skin’s microbiome, promoting a healthy environment for hydrated, resilient skin.

    • Use Sunscreen Daily: Sun damage can harm your skin barrier and disrupt your microbiome, so applying SPF daily is crucial for maintaining skin health.

    • Communicate with Your Partner: If you or your partner experience skin issues like irritation, sensitivity, or breakouts, it may be worth considering how your skincare routines or products might be affecting each other.

Your Relationship Can Impact Your Skin—In a Good Way

Your skin is constantly adapting to changes in your environment, including the people you’re close to. The introduction of new microorganisms from your partner can shift your skin’s microbiome, which in turn can affect skin hydration and overall health. But with the right skincare routine, you can support your skin’s barrier, helping it to stay balanced, hydrated, and glowing—no matter how close your relationships may be.

If you’re noticing changes in your skin, whether it’s feeling drier or more sensitive, it could be due to the microbiome shift from your partner. But don’t worry—skin health is all about balance. By caring for your skin properly, you can embrace these changes while maintaining a radiant complexion.

At Santi London, we’re here to support your skincare journey, no matter where life—or love—takes you. Explore our range of hydration-boosting products and let’s keep your skin glowing.