What can I expect during my massage?

What to Expect During Your Massage: Exploring Different Techniques


During your massage session, you can anticipate experiencing a combination of techniques that cater to your specific needs. There are four primary methods frequently employed in sports massage, which are also utilized across various other massage styles.


The term “effleurage” is rooted in the French word “effleurer,” signifying “to skim.” This gentle, rhythmic stroking movement initiates the massage treatment by enhancing circulation, stimulating nerves, and preparing muscles. It serves multiple purposes, applied at the outset, during, and conclusion of the session. This technique encourages the elimination of waste products through the circulatory and lymphatic systems. By employing effleurage initially, the therapist assesses tissue condition and identifies areas of stress.


Originating from the French “pétrir,” meaning “to knead,” petrissage progressively intensifies the massage, stretching muscles and easing tension. Sometimes referred to as kneading, this technique delves deeper into soft tissues to enhance mobility and facilitate the removal of waste products by boosting venous and lymphatic return.


Among the techniques used in sports massage, frictions may induce mild discomfort as they target specific isolated areas and break down scar tissue. A pivotal aspect of trigger point therapy, frictions involve forceful, concentrated movements with firm pressure, applied adjacent to the direction of tissue fibers. By disrupting tissue fibers, this technique promotes improved structural alignment, ultimately stimulating the healing process.


Tapotement encompasses hacking and cupping techniques, designed to invigorate blood flow in the skin and superficial muscles. These methods create vibrations that permeate tissues and are commonly employed in pre-competition sports massages, preparing the body for peak performance